Category Coffee

What does “roast level” mean?

When I first started roasting as a business, I did a lot of research into what each roast level meant. There is no set standard is what I found out. It is very subjective. There are fancy, expensive tools that…

Flavored Coffee Beans

Early on roasting beans for myself, it was very popular to buy flavored coffee beans. French Vanilla or Hazelnut were my favorites. They made my kitchen smell amazing. I bought some bean flavoring oils and flavored one of my batches…

The Cuban Espresso

In April of 2023, I had a gentleman stop by the shop in the mall. It was right before my teen and I were to fly out to Miami to visit my kid’s best friend. I mentioned that we were…

Coffee Thoughts

There are two sides to having a coffee business. The business side, which I have been a bit more focused on lately, as it is easier for me to write about, and the coffee side, which is harder to write…