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What a difference a year makes

I have been sporadic at best with my blog posts, but it is hard to do all the jobs with a small business. Writing is also something I have to feel inspired to do. I’m so busy working the business…

Business is as business does

So, I was talking to my teen (aka my artist) about how the business is going. They follow a lot of Twitch streamers and hopes to be able to be a content creator someday, as a lot of it is…

Happy New Year (a few days early)!

I know I have bean MIA for the last few months on my blog, but it’s been a busy few months. I was halfway done with two blog posts when I had someone start working on my website to update…

What’s in your water?

I’ve been debating writing this post, because I like people to find what works for them. It is the premise of my business. With that, I still figured it would be good to remind people of the other major factor…

Coffee Grinders

Saturday started out rainy, but cleared up and became a gorgeous day. It was also my first farmer’s market day. It was exciting and exhausting all at once. I also need to work on my spiel, as I kept forgetting…

Farmer’s Market here we come

This last week I’ve been preparing to have a table at the local farmer’s market (). The upside is that I’ll be meeting new people and getting my business name out there. The downside is I have to pre-roast coffee…