Galaxy Girl

Galaxy Girl

The Cuban Espresso

In April of 2023, I had a gentleman stop by the shop in the mall. It was right before my teen and I were to fly out to Miami to visit my kid’s best friend. I mentioned that we were…

The AuDHD Struggle is Real

My goal for 2025, regarding the Galaxy Girl Coffee website, is to write a blog post every week, along with cleaning up the website and making it more user friendly. In that vein, I wrote a blog post over the…

Understanding the Roast Profile Chart

When I first started Galaxy Girl Coffee, I had been ordering beans from Coffee Bean Corral and using their bean matrix. As an uninitiated commercial coffee roaster, I didn’t fully understand that the variety of roast levels could completely change…

How to make a great mocha!

Way back in the day, when I was just out of high school, I helped some friends out by running their little coffee shack for a weekend. This was the first place I had ever tried an espresso drink, that…

What does ‘Artisan Roasting’ Mean?

Galaxy Girl Coffee is three and half years into its roasting journey, though The Galaxy Girl has been roasting for herself for almost 20 years, off and on. The decision to roast for others was born from the disappointment in…

New Year Update

With the start of the new year, we are working hard to update a lot of parts to the business that fell to the wayside while we were in the mall. This includes our blog posts. In the almost two…